Chiang Kai-shek’s Diary Are A Lens into Chinese History

8 min readMay 4, 2024


Chiang Kai Shek deeply distrusted many of the politicans of the United States, especially President Nixon, who would later ‘betray’ him.

Chiang Kai Shek was the Nationalist leader of China during the Second World War. Chiang rose to prominence during the Northern Expedition in the 1920s. After nominally unifying China, Chiang was considered the de facto leader of the war-torn country. The outbreak of the Second World War threw Chiang into the world stage as one of the main leaders of the Allied Powers, leading the Chinese people in a struggle against the Japanese invaders. He was publicly praised by the United States media as a great hero and friend of the United States. Following the Second World War, he fought against the Chinese Communists and was eventually defeated and forced to retreat to Taiwan, where he continued to be aligned with the Americans against the Communists during the Cold War.

However, despite being aligned with the United States, Chiang’s relationship with the Americans was hostile, at best mistrustful. Although he did not openly criticize the Americans too much, in his recently released diaries, there appeared to be many instances of Chiang Kai Shek writing numerous passages expressing anger at the United States for their perceived betrayal of the Chinese Nationalists.

In October 1940, while the China-Japan war was in its third year, neither the Soviet Union nor the United States had yet entered the conflict. At the time, American business interests were still selling raw materials to the Japanese. (It was not until July 1941 that the Japanese were embargoed by the U.S.)

A diary entry written by Chiang Kai Shek in Oct. 1940 stated:

“The Axis powers are violent, the Soviet Union is ruthless, and Britain and the United States are stingy and selfish. None of them are worthy of being friends, and they don’t want to be friends. They all plot to harm me and monopolize China. But The intentions of the three axis countries are different. Japan is hostile, Italy is innocent, and Germany is unintentionally against us. There is no malicious intention, so it is more forgivable.”

In the same year, Chaing Kai Shek wrote,


“Roosevelt of the United States ignored my calls for financial assistance. Without self-reliance, any diplomacy will be in vain.”


“A gentleman should not be resentful. To the United States and Russia, I just hope that they will not harm us and not help the enemy. (1940)


“The Japanese are violent, the Russians are ruthless, the British are cunning, the Americans are greedy and selfish, and the international community is unreliable. From now on, the world will only value power and cunning, there is no justice. I only regard justice as my foundation, with God as my witness.”

Chiang Kai Shek, Roosevelt, and Churchill

Following the conclusion of the Second World War, the Nationalists under Chiang Kai Shek engaged the Communists in the Chinese Civil War. After numerous military defeats, in 1948, the United States scaled back the military assistance to the National Government.

That year, Chiang Kai Shek wrote in his diary:


“The one thing I need the most urgently, and they will give me the least…this horse tied on my neck will strangle me and never let go… The U.S. side is extremely insulting, and this is an unforgettable shame.”

In 1949, Chiang Kai Shek was defeated and retreated to Taiwan. For the next ten years, Chiang Kai Shek struggled to stabilize the political and military situation on the island, depending greatly on the United States for military and economic assistance. However, by the end of the 1960s, the situation in the Far East began to evolve. U.S. President Nixon began hinting a policy of rapprochement with the Chinese Communist People’s Republic of China — Chiang’s archenemies. The Nixon administration at the time also began a policy of a slow withdrawal from South Vietnam, as part of “Vietnamization” in January 1969.

On August 2 and 3, 1969, Chiang Kai-shek met with US Secretary of State William P. Rogers, who was visiting Taiwan. Chiang went straight to the point and asked Rogers whether the Nixon administration wanted to break ties with the “Republic of China” (The official name of Chiang Kai Shek’s government) or if the United States was willing to help the “Republic of China” retake the Chinese Mainland. Rogers answered bluntly that the United States can no longer turn the clock back to the era of Eisenhower, Dulles, or Kennedy. Nixon’s position was to continue to support the Republic of China. If the Republic of China could return to Mainland China through peaceful political means, the United States would be happy, but any use of military means would be unrealistic.

On August 29, 1969, Chiang Kai Shek recorded a personal diary entry,

「美國所謂亞洲新政策者,乃聯匪制俄,使棄越南與臺灣之政策也。 」

“The so-called Asian policy makers of the United States, are allying with [Chinese Communist] Bandits to control Russia and abandoning [South] Vietnam and Taiwan.”

On September 23, 1969, President Nixon decided to downsize the scope of the patrols of US warships in the Taiwan Strait. The United States first unofficially disclosed this information to Beijing but delayed formally transmitting the information to notify Chiang Kai-shek until afterwards.

On October 18, 1969, Chiang wrote in his diary,


“The U.S. diplomacy is full of perversions, especially when it uses flattering words and deeds toward the Communist bandits, which are even more disgusting. It makes the Communist bandits arrogant, and treats me as nothing, which shows that [the U.S.] is an imperialist who only fears power but has no power. This is the nature of their morality.”

The F-4 Phantom was one of the most advanced fighter aircraft in the US Inventory in the 1960s. The U.S. refused to provide this plane to Chiang Kai Shek’s air force.

During around the same time, Chiang Kai Shek asked the USA to provide the latest F-4D Phantom fighter planes to his air force to defend Taiwan. This was rejected. Again, this hurt Chiang Kai Shek’s feelings. In his diary, Chiang wrote:

「本月為尼克森對中共政策轉變之實現,不惜出賣我政府之卑鄙手段,尤其是玩弄手法以騙人最為可痛。…反對國會援我F-4D型機之提案。白宮先做反對之聲明 ,隔後一日又做不反對之聲明,此全為其安格紐此來訪華無辭以對之作用也」

“This month marks the realization of Nixon’s policy to support the Chinese Communist. He does not hesitate to betray us; this is the deception that is most painful. The USA is keen to ally with the [Chinese Communist] bandits to contain Russia and abandons the Republic of China and South Vietnam, the US is a bandit itself…He [Nixon] opposed congress’s proposal to give us F-4D aircraft. The White House was first made a statement of opposition. And a day later made no opposition.”

Peng Ming-Min was a Taiwan Independence activist. Arrested for treason by Chiang Kai Shek in 1964 for printing a manifesto, he escaped to Sweden, before taking a post as a university teacher in the United States.

In 1970, an anti-Chiang Kai Shek, Taiwanese Independence activist named Peng Ming-min was granted a visa to immigrate to the United States. Chaing kai Shek asked US President Nixon to deny his entry, but Nixon ignored him.

Chiang wrote in his diary:


“American politicians are dishonest and horrible. They can betray their friends at any time for their own personal gain. Today, I have learned another lesson.”

「自二十五歲以來,經過無數憂患與恥辱,尤以對外之磨折扭絞,非使我國脈民命澈底消除而不止的美國政府,虛偽欺詐之玩耍,令人無法忍辱,已達極點。此 乃自民國卅一年以來,史迪威、馬下兒(馬歇爾)以至今日尼克生等,是極盡人世所最難堪之一次也。」

“Since the age of twenty-five, I have gone through countless humiliations, especially betrayals, which have not only completely ruined the lives of our people, but the hypocrisy and deceit of the U.S. government has reached the extreme point of being intolerable. This is Since the 31st year of the Republic of China, Stilwell, Marshal and today, Richard Nixon are all an embarrassment”

「對美國之假言偽行,三十年來之疑竇亦得因此而完全識破與證明,此乃盎格魯撒克遜民族之真面目矣。經過無數次被欺詐與出賣,再可不夢境乎,而以尼克森上 月二十九與本月十九日白宮兩次之聲明對照,更足毀譽矣,切勿再忘。 案附屬之援韓五千萬元反得通過,此乃對我國之恥辱所畢生難忘者也,美國人之忘義失信如此也。」

“Three decades of suspicions about the lies and hypocrisy of the United States have been completely exposed and proved. This is the true face of the Anglo-Saxon nation. After being deceived and betrayed countless times, I can no longer dream, and with Nixon the contrast between the two statements made by the White House on the 19th of this month is even more devastating. This is a shame that our country will never forget. Yes, this is how Americans are unfaithful and dishonest.”

In 1971, Chiang Kai Shek’s Republic of China government lost its seat in the United Nations. Chiang Kai Shek recorded in his diary on October 18,


“The United Nations has become a haven for traitors and criminals of aggression. We should clean ourselves up and no longer be complicit in it. We have decided to voluntarily withdraw from the United Nations and preserve our glorious history.”

In February 1972, US President Nixon met with Mao Zedong — Chiang Kai Shek’s arch enemy, and began the process of normalizing relations between Washington and Beijing

In February 1972, President Nixon met with Mao Zedong in Beijing, achieving a breakthrough in the Beijing-Washington relationship. A Shanghai Communique was signed between the American and Communist officials. Essentially, both sides agreed to respect each other’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The United States formally acknowledged that “all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China” and that the “United States Government does not challenge that position”, and that it “reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves.”

Chiang Kai Shek wrote in his diary during this time:


“The communiques published by the bandits and the United States in Shanghai were all based on the one-sided words of the Communist bandits. The United States did not dare to mention their proper positions. They replaced the Republic of China, as Taiwan as a substitute. They were all extremely shameless.”

In 1975, Chiang Kai Shek died. Four years later, the United States broke off relations with the Republic of China and established full diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China in Beijing.

Chiang Kai Shek was a major figure of recent Chinese history, who led the Chinese nation through turbulent and transitional times. His personal diaries and writings are extremely valuable for historians and provides a treasure trove of primary sources. Studying Chiang’s experiences provides a deeper understanding of the complexities of Chinese history during the 20th century. Regardless of one’s personal opinions of Chiang Kai Shek’s legacy, Chiang’s experience is part of the Chinese people’s collective history, and this is worthy of recognition and respect.

Works Cited

“蔣介石日記.” 維基語錄,自由的名人名言錄, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 7 Dec. 2023,

Wang, Hao. “汪浩《借殼上市》:蔣介石如何應對尼克森的背叛?.” The News Lens , 3 Aug. 2020,




Written by 永熙

I write news stories and history articles about the Chinese speaking world

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